About Us

About Us

Who We Are

We are a group of people of predominantly Sudanese origin who founded the SD-Hope association some time ago. The aim of this association is to implement social projects in Sudan and to promote integration in Germany.

Creation of the club

In 2017, we worked with a small group of Sudanese who live and work here in Germany to provide needy families in Sudan with food packages during Ramadan. We organized this privately through family members in Sudan. This led to the desire to expand this help by founding a non-profit association and to start and support further projects in the areas of water supply, health and education.

The SD-Hope eV association was founded at the end of 2020


As described above, the association will work exclusively on a non-profit basis. Projects are planned in the areas mentioned above.

Many of our founding members completed their training in Germany and work in academic professions such as medicine, computer science or engineering. These experiences result in the desire to pass something on in projects such as the voluntary work of doctors in Sudan or the establishment or support of schools and kindergartens and the construction of additional wells for water supply.



Realized projects

  • Ramadan packages for needy families in Sudan
  • Supporting the construction of a well in Sudan
  • Regular meetings between Sudanese and Germans for exchange and integration (eating, drinking, conversations)
  • Sports festival in October 2021 with all families and friends (planned regularly)

About Us

What We Do

Helping families in need

Organize aid packages for food or benefits in the event of natural disasters.

Construction of wells for water supply

Finance well construction in remote places and build villages


Establishing or supporting schools and kindergartens
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Our Awesome

Creative Team

Osama Eltaher

Lead Designer

Nasir Taha

Brand Manager

Omar Osman

UI/UX Designer

Hatim Ibrahim

UI/UX Designer